Michael has been cast in Every Brilliant Thing, at Cookeville Performing Arts Center. Performances are in February of 2025. Click HERE for more details.

Michael was recently interviewed on THE SCENE, 95.9 in Cookeville. He discussed his writing process and his three published books. Click HERE to listen.

Michael will have a booth at The Book, Author, and Publisher’s Fair, in Nashville on March 1st. Stop by to say HELLO and pick up one of his Trilogy of Life books! Details HERE.

Hello and welcome to my humble little abode. I don’t actually live here, though, that would be impossible. And odd. It could turn into an Oscar-winning screenplay, though. Let me ponder the possibility. Also, I will stop using the word though.

Everyone is creative and artistic in one way or another. From the placement of a porcelain clown on a coffee table to the planting of a tulip instead of a boxwood shrub by the front porch - we all make creative decisions every single day of our lives. I’ve decided to take these decisions one or two or sixteen steps further.

Small steps for me began when I was a child. Writing on my old manual typewriter and putting on shows in the family garage next to the weed-eater that leaked gas were the first of many steps that led me to my current state of creativity: finishing my fourth novel while traipsing around on stages or in front of cameras.

Thank you for visiting my page and understanding I don’t actually live here.